2023 State of the Union Address

February 6, 2023

The annual State of the Union Address will be held at 9:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.  The event will take place in the House Chamber of the United States Capitol Building.   At this time, we do not expect direct impacts to university operations, however, road closures and parking restrictions will be implemented around Capitol Hill.

Road Closures

There will be road closures and parking restrictions beginning at 6:30 a.m. EST on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 around Capitol Hill.  Exact details may be found on the United States Capitol Police web site.  Additionally, Metrobus will detour several routes from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. due to the street closures associated with the State of the Union Address. Details may be found here.