Instructional Continuity

In light of the evolving global situation, we reaffirm the importance of maintaining instructional continuity (PDF) for the benefit of our students’ learning experience. 

The university is committed to offering modes of remote instruction to maintain continuity of instruction. Please familiarize yourself with this preparation checklist and just-in-time training materials offered on these pages.

The Instructional Core provides training and personalized guidance on the tools and best practices for virtual learning. Please contact the Instructional Core by email at or by phone at (202) 994-0485 or see this list of upcoming workshops.

Please also consider the following guidance related to virtual learning and unscheduled closures:

  1. At the beginning of the term, establish a plan for communicating with your students in the event of a closure. Share those plans in class and electronically via email and Blackboard.
  2. In the event of a closure, reach out to students in a timely manner to communicate your plans to hold the session online if that is what you are planning to do.
  3. Please note that when classes are canceled, students should not be asked or required to participate in other university activities (rehearsals, practice, etc.)



Checklist on a clipboard

Preparation Checklist

Be prepared in the event of a closure. Follow these steps for instructors and students to take before and during an unplanned university closure.

Laptop with a question mark on the screen

Tools for Virtual Learning

Not sure how to hold or attend a class during a closure? Explore these tools and resources for maintaining instructional continuity.