Advisory Archive

Browse through past advisories below.

America’s Trot for Hunger

A 5k on Thanksgiving may result in traffic implications in the District.

Fall 2023 Test of GW’s Emergency Communication Systems

Test, This is a test of the Campus Advisories Webpage. No action required, this is only a test.

Upcoming TEST of the GW Emergency Communication Systems

On Monday, November 20, 2023, between 2:00 pm and 2:30 pm EST there will be a University wide test of the GW Emergency Notification System.

November 14 - March For Israel

The March for Israel is scheduled for 11/14/23 on the National Mall and will likely result in Travel delays

National Veterans Day Parade

The National Veterans Day Parade will result in road closures to keep in mind if traveling to or from Foggy Bottom this weekend.

2023 Marine Corps Marathon

The Marine Corps Marathon will result in road closures to keep in mind if traveling to or from GW this weekend.

First Amendment Activity

GW is monitoring the potential for first amendment activity related to the Israel-Hamas War. We have included safety precautions for your awareness.

Weekend Festivities

Multiple events across the District will result in road closures to keep in mind if traveling to or from GW this weekend.

Wireless Emergency Alert and Emergency Alert System Testing

The FCC in coordination with FEMA will be conducting a WEA and EAS test on Tuesday, October 4th at 2:20 p.m.

Department of State Active Shooter Exercise

The Department of State will be conducting an active shooter exercise on 9/28/23. A large first responder presence is expected near the Harry S Truman Building